The Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance (DFD) invites you to a meeting of the Stakeholder Forum on September 10, from 13:30 to 15:00 at Akersgata 64.

The meeting will be led by State Secretary Gunn Karin Gjul and will focus on anti-corruption. Special emphasis will be placed on the new parliamentary report on economic crime, Meld. St. 15 (2023–2024) (only in Norwegian) which will be presented by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.
- Welcome by State Secretary Gunn Karin Gjul, Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Administration
- The White Paper Common Values – Common Responsibility — Strengthened Efforts for the Prevention and Combating of Economic Crime by Kjersti Lehmann and Quyen Nguyen, Ministry of Justice and Public Security
- Commentary on the White Paper on Economic Crime by Tor Dølvik, Transparency International Norway
- Register of Beneficial Owners by Tobias Brynildsen, Ministry of Finance and Lisa Iversen Stene, Brønnøysund Register Centre
- Commentary on the Register of Beneficial Owners by Jonas Veland, Tax Justice Norway
- Input and Comments from Forum Participants
- Conclusion and Further Work with OGP in Norway by the Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Administration
The Stakeholder Forum serves as a crucial platform for collaboration between government agencies and civil society organizations. We encourage all forum members, as well as other interested parties, to join the meeting and contribute their input.
You are welcome to attend!
To register your participation, please send send an email to Norway’s point of contact for Open Government Partnership, Maria Egeland Thorsnes, at