The Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance webpage about open government and Norway’s participation in Open Government Partnership.
Open Government Partnership (OGP) 2024–2027
This is the fifth Norwegian action plan that the Norwegian government has developed for Open Government Partnership.
Facilitating an open administration is a central priority for the Norwegian government. All citizens should be able to access information on how governments and municipalities work. Open government holds decision-makers accountable, it provides opportunities for engagement, and it contributes to deepens trust among citizens and their governments.
Review of Norway’s Fifth Action Plan
Norway’s fifth action plan for the Open Government Partnership (OGP) has undergone a review by the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM),… Read more…
Meeting on Anti-Corruption with broad participation and engagement
On September 10th, the Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Administration (DFD) organised a meeting of the stakeholder forum for the… Read more…
Welcome to the Stakeholders’ Forum meeting on anti-corruption
The Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance (DFD) invites you to a meeting of the Stakeholder Forum on September 10,… Read more…
Areas of action
Public procurement
A reliable source should be established to provide quantitative data on public procurement.
Universal design and digital inclusion
Enforce the regulations for universal design of ICT solutions, simplify privacy statements on public websites and contribute to the populations’ digital participation throughout life.
Better access to criminal case documents
Access to documents in criminal cases should be improved to ensure that regulations are consistent with the case law established by the Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights.
Archives, journalling and “eInnsyn”
The “eInnsyn Freedom of Information” Service will be evaluated to determine if its goals have been met and if it is being managed and developed appropriately.
«Open government holds decision-makers accountable, it provides opportunities for engagement, and it contributes to deepens trust among citizens and their governments.»
Fifth Norwegian Action Plan – Open Government Partnership (OGP) 2024-2027