Action plans

What is the action plan?

All countries participating in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) are required to create biennial action plans with specific commitments. These commitments should include, among other things, aspects related to transparency. The plan must be developed collaboratively by the government and civil society through an open and inclusive co-creation process.

The action plans must consist of measurable commitments. These commitments should encourage the government to do more than it would have without them. The requirement for commitments to be measurable means that it should be possible to assess afterward whether the commitment had an effect or not.

Since Norway joined the Open Government Partnership, five action plans have been created:

  1. First National Action Plan (at (2012 2013)
  2. Second National Action Plan (pdf) (2013 2015)
  3. Third National Action Plan (pdf) (2016 – 2018)
  4. Fourth National Action Plan (pdf) (2019 – 2021)
  5. Fifth National Action Plan (pdf) (2024 – 2027)

The Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance is responsible for coordinating the action plans.