OGP Council

In 2015, Norway established its first Open Government Council, the OGP Council, on its own initiative. The council was appointed by the government and consisted of six individuals from various organizations and entities. The second Open Government Council was appointed in 2019. The council has contributed to the development of action plans for the Open Government Partnership by providing input on topics and priority areas.

The council has also monitored the work of creating, implementing, and following up on the plans. The OGP Council has, on its own initiative, participated in the public debate on transparency issues. This includes maintaining a YouTube channel where they publish short informational videos. During the period of 2020/21, the council particularly focused on transparency during the pandemic. In 2022, three videos were produced addressing transparency in general and the OGP specifically.

Members of the council have attended meetings with the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development in various contexts, most recently during the OGP Europe Regional Meeting in Rome in 2022 and at the OGP Global Summit in Tallinn in 2023.

Council members are appointed for up to three years at a time. The second OGP Council was formally dissolved in 2024, and the ministry is currently considering the continuation of the arrangement.