IRM ber nå om kommentarer til rapporten. I denne omgangen ønsker IRM eventuelle kommentarer som skal sikre at : “……. civil society and government stakeholders have the opportunity to offer additional information and clarifications on the report prior to publication. The IRM will take your comments into consideration to prepare the report for public comments. To that effect, in cases where you disagree with the content, please provide evidence (copy of documents, links to websites) to support the changes you suggest. Kindly note that due to the number of reports the IRM produces, we are unable to respond to individual comments in writing, but we will aim to provide you with an overview of how your comments were addressed” .
Merknader kan sendes direkte til IRM ( IRM@opengovpartnership.org ) med tittel «Norway 2019-2022 IRM Results Report For Your Comment» eller sendes KDDs postmottak slik at vi kan videresende dette til IRM. Bidrag må være KDD I hende innen mandag 6. mars, frist til IRM er 8.mars.»